Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 8, 2011

Hướng dẫn cách sử dụng Panel trong Openbravo

Hướng dẫn cách sử dụng Panel trong Openbravo

Như chúng ta đã biết viết các phương thức cho class (xem ở bài Viết các phương thức cho class)
Cụ thể bài này có nói:
Class này phải được kế thừa (extends) từ Jpanel và implemets từ JPanelView, BeanFactoryApp, TicketsEditor
Vậy tại sao trong class VaitrochucnangPanel lại chỉ có:

Để lý giải cho điều này ta tiến hành tìm hiểu cách sử dụng Panel trong Openbravo

Cách sử dụng Panel trong Openbravo

Trong Openbravo đã viết hỗ trợ rất nhiều về Panel, các class viết sẵn này nằm trong package com.openbravo.pos.panels.
Bao gồm: JPanelTable, JPanelTable2 .v.v..
Các Panel này đã làm hộ mình việc Extends Jpanel và implemets từ JPanelView, BeanFactoryApp, TicketsEditor như bài Viết các phương thức cho class đã viết.
Do đó trong VaitrochucnangPanel chỉ extends JPanelTable là vì:
Thằng JPanelTable đã được Openbravo viết hộ dẫn đến JPanelTable được Extends Jpanel và implemets từ JPanelView, BeanFactoryApp, TicketsEditor như đã nói ở trên. Vậy class VaitrochucnangPanel extends JPanelTable cũng chính là :
VaitrochucnangPanel Jpanel và implemets từ JPanelView, BeanFactoryApp, TicketsEditor (đúng theo Viết các phương thức cho class).
Cụ thể nó thể hiện theo sơ đồ sau:

Thành phần cơ bản của Panel trong Openbravo

Panel sẽ quy định về khung giao diện hiển thị, các hiện thị sẽ được chứa trong thành phần container.
Ví dụ trong JPanelTable:

Như vậy với JPanelTable này thì ngoài những gì được jeditor lấy ra từ VaitrochucnangView thể hiện trong VaitrochucnangPanel được đem vào container trong JPanelTable thì container trong JPanelTable còn được thêm vào toolbar (Hình trên đã ghi chú).
Và khi đó JPanelTable này hiển thị sẽ có 2 phần như hình:
Hiển thị của JPanelTable

Ví dụ về Panel trong Openbravo

Để hiểu hơn về Panel ta tiến hanh một ví dụ với Panel mới là JPanelTest.
Ta quay lại bài Xây dựng lớp View
Theo bài này ta đã tạo ra một menu chức năng mới.
Class để hiển thị là VaitrochucnangPanelMoi việc hiển thị của class này như bài xây dựng lớp view sẽ cử ra VaitrochucnangMoiView để chuyển hiển thị nội dung.
Tuy nhiên ở đây ta không xét tới hiển thị đó, mà ta xét tới hiển thị bao gồm hiển thị view đó.
Cụ thể ta đã biết Panel sẽ quy định hiển thị đó, và Panel được sử dụng ở đây là JPanelTest được class VaitrochucnangPanelMoi extends vào qua câu lệnh:

public class VaitrochucnangPanelMoi extends JPanelTest {
Chi tiết của JPanelTest này như sau:
JPanelTest có cấu trúc tương tự như JPanelTable, nhưng yêu cầu của chức năng này chỉ cần hiển thị nội dung trong view (jeditor gọi ra) mà không cần hiển thị Thanh công cụ (trong toolbar). Do đó container của JPanelTest sẽ phải cắt bỏ phần toolbar đi.

public abstract class JPanelTest extends JPanel implements JPanelView, BeanFactoryApp {
      protected BrowsableEditableData bd;    
      protected DirtyManager dirty;    
      protected AppView app;
      /** Creates new form JPanelTableEditor */
      public JPanelTest() {
      public void init(AppView app) throws BeanFactoryException {
 = app;
          dirty = new DirtyManager();
          bd = null;
public Object getBean() {
          return this;
      protected void startNavigation() {
          if (bd == null) {
              // init browsable editable data
              bd = new BrowsableEditableData(getListProvider(), getSaveProvider(), getEditor(), dirty);
// Add the filter panel
              Component c = getFilter();
              if (c != null) {
                  add(c, BorderLayout.NORTH);
// Add the editor
              c = getEditor().getComponent();
              if (c != null) {
                  container.add(c, BorderLayout.CENTER);            
// el panel este
              ListCellRenderer cr = getListCellRenderer();
              if (cr != null) {
                  JListNavigator nl = new JListNavigator(bd);
                  if (cr != null) nl.setCellRenderer(cr);
                  container.add(nl, java.awt.BorderLayout.LINE_START);
// add toolbar extras
              c = getToolbarExtras();
              if (c != null) {
// La Toolbar
              c = new JLabelDirty(dirty);
              c = new JCounter(bd);
              c = new JNavigator(bd, getVectorer(), getComparatorCreator());
              c = new JSaver(bd);
      public Component getToolbarExtras() {
          return null;
public Component getFilter() {    
          return null;
      protected abstract void init();
      public abstract EditorRecord getEditor();
      public abstract ListProvider getListProvider();
      public abstract SaveProvider getSaveProvider();
      public Vectorer getVectorer() {
          return null;
      public ComparatorCreator getComparatorCreator() {
          return null;
      public ListCellRenderer getListCellRenderer() {
          return null;
public JComponent getComponent() {
          return this;
public void activate() throws BasicException {
      public boolean deactivate() {
try {
              return bd.actionClosingForm(this);
          } catch (BasicException eD) {
              MessageInf msg = new MessageInf(MessageInf.SGN_NOTICE, AppLocal.getIntString("message.CannotMove"), eD);
              return false;
      /** This method is called from within the constructor to
       * initialize the form.
       * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is
       * always regenerated by the Form Editor.
      // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
      private void initComponents() {
container = new javax.swing.JPanel();
          //toolbar = new javax.swing.JPanel();
setBorder(javax.swing.BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
          setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
container.setLayout(new java.awt.BorderLayout());
          //container.add(toolbar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
add(container, java.awt.BorderLayout.CENTER);
      }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents
      // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
      private javax.swing.JPanel container;
      //private javax.swing.JPanel toolbar;
      // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables
Từ code trên ta thấy container của JPanelTest đã không chứa toolbar, các khai báo và thêm toolbar đã được coment:

//container.add(toolbar, java.awt.BorderLayout.NORTH);
Do đó kết quả hiển thị ra của chức năng này không có phần hiển thị của toolbar trong container như hình:
Hiển thị của JPanel Test.
Như vậy các bạn đã nắm được hoạt động của Panel trong Openbravo roi đó :)
Chúc các bạn thành công!

Translating Openbravo

Translating Openbravo


This document explains the process of translating and maintaining Openbravo ERP translations into different languages.
The process involves five steps:
  1. Creating a new language.
  2. Copying the base language translations.
  3. Exporting the XML files to translate.
  4. Translating the files.
  5. Finally, importing the new translations into the system.

Creating a language

To translate Openbravo ERP, first create a language or activate a previously defined language.
Log in to Openbravo ERP using the System Administrator role.
Next, go to General Setup > Application > Language.
Here the language of choice can be selected from the list.
If you are not in Grid View, click the grid icon or create it. If you are creating a new language follow the Java convention of country and language:
The language with 2 lower case letters followed by an underscore (_) and the country in 2 capital letters (e.g. fr_CA stands for Canadian French).
Check the System Language check-box and save the record. This activates the language to translate and from this point, it appears in the user's preferences.
The next step is to copy all text from the Base Language to the new language. The base language is the language that is used as a starting point for translating the application, and it is English (en_US). By clicking on Verify Languages button all the strings for the base language are copied to the new language.

Language pack


A language pack is a set of XML files containing the translations for a desired language. Each file contains the translation for a single table in the database and is given the same name as the table which contains its corresponding translation.
These language packs are stored in a server directory by language using the convention of language and country (e.g. en_US, es_ES...). They are inside a lang directory in the folder that is defined to contain all attachments. This is defined in your local build.xml file (for 2.3x versions) or file (2.4x and onwards), which is requested during the installation process and, by default, is called /attachments. An example of a complete path for Spanish_Spain could be /attachments/lang/es_ES.
The structure of the XML is as follows:
  • A tag containing the table and the language names.
  • For each row in the table there will be a row tag with attributes id for the row identification and trl which will be Y or N depending on whether or not it has been translated.
  • Inside the row tag, there is a value tag for each column in the table. This tag includes the attributes column for the column name and original signifying the value for the column in the base language (English). The value for the tag will contain the translated text. This is the text that you have to change if you want to make a translation.
The following piece of code is an example for /attachments/lang/es_ES/AD_TASK_TRL_es_ES.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<compiereTrl language="es_ES" table="AD_TASK">
  <row id="102" trl="Y">
    <value column="Name" original="Java Version">Versión de java</value>
    <value column="Description" original="Displays the version of the default Java VM">Muestra la versión de la java VM por defecto</value>
    <value column="Help" original="The java version used by the application might be different."/>
  <row id="103" trl="N">
    <value column="Name" original="Database Export">Exportar BD</value>
    <value column="Description" original="Export (save) the database">Exportar (guardar) la base de datos</value>
    <value column="Help" original="Run this command from the server">Run this command from the server</value>
The complete list of XML files that compose a language pack is called lg_CT, where lg stands for language and CT for country, is:
  1. AD_ALERTRULE_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_AlertRule table.
  2. AD_ELEMENT_TRL_lg_CT.xml*: Translations for the AD_Element table. This table contains all the elements of the application. They are used in order to have centrally maintained a description and help of the elements.
  3. AD_FIELDGROUP_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_FieldGroup table. Field groups are used to group a fields in a window.
  4. AD_FIELD_TRL_lg_CT.xml*: Translations for the AD_Field table. This table holds the information about the fields that are shown in each window of the application.
  5. AD_FORM_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for the AD_Form table, where are defined the name, description and help for all the forms of the application. A form is a manually generated window.
  6. AD_MENU_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Menu table. Here can be found the menu tree that appears on the left side of the application.
  7. AD_MESSAGE_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Message table. This table defines all the messages that application displays.
  8. AD_PROCESS_PARA_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for the AD_Process_Para table.
  9. AD_PROCESS_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Process table. Here appears the name, description and help for the processes invoked from the application.
  10. AD_REFERENCE_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Reference table. In this table are all the references. References are used to define data types, lists of values or tables.
  11. AD_REF_LIST_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Ref_List table. In this table are found the values for the references of list type.
  12. AD_TAB_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Tab table. This table contains the name, description and help for all the tabs in the application.
  13. AD_TASK_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Task table. Definition of system tasks.
  14. AD_TEXTINTERFACES_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_TextInterfaces table. This table holds the texts that will be displayed in all the manually generated windows.
  15. AD_WF_NODE_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_WF_Node table. This table contains the workflow nodes.
  16. AD_WINDOW_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Window table. AD_Window has names, descriptions and helps of the WAD generated windows.
  17. AD_WORKFLOW_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AD_Workflow table. Name, description and help for the defined workflows.
  18. AT_COMMAND_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for AT_Command table. This table is not used at this moment.
  19. C_COUNTRY_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_Country table. This table holds a list of countries.
  20. C_CURRENCY_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_Currency table. This table holds a list of currencies.
  21. C_DOCTYPE_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_DocType table. Description of the document types.
  22. C_ELEMENTVALUE_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_ElementValue table. This table contains the values for the elements used in accounting.
  23. C_GREETING_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_Greeting table.
  24. C_PAYMENTTERM_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_PaymentTerm table. Name and description for payment terms.
  25. C_TAXCATEGORY_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_TaxCategory table. Name and description for the tax categories.
  26. C_TAX_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_Tax table. Name and description for taxes.
  27. C_UOM_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for C_UOM table. This table contains the Units of Measure.
  28. M_PRODUCT_TRL_lg_CT.xml: Translations for M_Product table. A table containing the different products.
* Note: The recommended way of translating is to translate the AD_ELEMENT table first. Then import the translated file, perform a Synchronize Terminology process, export again and continue. This is recommended because the AD_FIELD elements that are centrally maintained (most part of them) are updated with the AD_ELEMENT values every time this process is run. So a lot of effort and time is saved!
Bulbgraph.png   Note: Starting 2.50 MP19, you will find an additional file here: buildStructure.xml. This file contains the information related to the names different stages an Openbravo build goes through, and the error and warning messages that can be shown during a rebuild. You should also translate this file. Its information will be shown in the Rebuild Window, during a system rebuild (for example, when you install a module, or when you update Openbravo) This file follows a special format and will not work with the Openbravo2PO utility. However, as it is very small and easy to understand, it is very easy to directly translate it

Translating using PO files

PO (Portable Object) is a very popular format for storing and translating many open source applications. Openbravo ERP uses XML to import and export translations. However, these XML files can be converted into PO files, that are more user friendly.
PO files have a very simple structure. They look like:
#: AD_MENU_TRL_en_US.xml:1(value) 
msgid "original text"
msgstr "translated text"
There is detailed description of the format in the GNU gettext utilities manual.

Software required

To translate Openbravo using PO files, the following software is required:
  • Openbravo2PO which is a tool written specifically for working with Openbravo ERP generated XML files. It transforms XML format files to PO format and back to XML format. Openbravo2PO can also be used to merge multiple PO files of the same type (table, element, language) to a single file.
  • Java version 1.5
  • Ant version 1.7.0

Generating a PO from an XML file

Language files are exported from Openbravo ERP in XML format. In order to translate these files efficiently it is necessary to transform them into PO format files.
Detailed instructions on using this tool can be found at Openbravo2PO User Documentation
To transform XML files to PO format use the following ant command:
ant runXML2PO -DinpFold= -DoutFold= -DmsgStr= -Dfile=""
Add values as required to the various target arguments. If the -DinpFold is given and the -Dfile is empty the tool will generate PO files for all XML files in the input folder, otherwise only those files included in the -Dfile argument will be transformed. The -Dfile argument can take multiple files separated by a space character but must be enclosed in "".
E.g. to transform all XML files in a folder to PO files:
ant runXML2PO -DinpFold=/home/openbravo/translations/xml_base/ -DoutFold=/home/openbravo/translations/po_out/ -DmsgStr=false
E.g. to transform a single XML file:
ant runXML2PO -DinpFold=/home/openbravo/translations/xml_base/ -DoutFold=/home/openbravo/translations/po_out/ -DmsgStr=false -Dfile="AD_TASK_TRL_es_ES.xml"

Translating PO files

To translate a PO file into your language you can use one of the many open source tools and editors available. Some of the most popular are:
  • PoEdit – a cross-platform gettext catalogs editor.
  • Lokalize – a graphical PO editor for the KDE environment (previously known as Kbabel).
  • Gtranslator – a graphical PO editor for the GNOME environment.

Generating an XML from a PO file

Once the translation is complete, you have to put the translations back into XML format.
Detailed instructions on using this tool can be found at Openbravo2PO User Documentation
To generate the XML files from the PO files use the following ant target:
ant runPO2XML -DinpFold= -DoutFold=  -Dfile=""
Again, specifying the -DinpFold and not the file names will parse all PO files into the relevant XML files ready to be imported back into Openbravo ERP. The -Dfile argument can take multiple files separated by a space character but must be enclosed in "".
E.g. to process a complete folder:
ant runPO2XML -DinpFold=/home/openbravo/translations/po_out/ -DoutFold=/home/openbravo/translations/xml_trl
E.g. to process specific file(s):
ant runPO2XML -DinpFold=/home/openbravo/translations/po_out/ -DoutFold=/home/openbravo/translations/xml_trl -Dfile="AD_TASK_Name_es_ES.po AD_TASK_Help_es_ES.po AD_TASK_Description_es_ES.po"


To export or import a language, you must log into the application as System Administrator and go to General Setup > Application > Import/Export Translations ( the language must be activated in the system first).
Choose one of the languages defined as System Language.
  • Export: creates the language directory (see above) if it does not already exist and exports the files for the selected language to the directory.
  • Import: reads the files from the selected language directory and import them into the application database tables.
The desired language XML files are located in the following directory: attachments/lang/en_US.
  • The location of the attachments folder is configured in the attach.path property in your local build.xml file (for 2.3x versions) or file (for 2.4x and onwards).
  • en_US should be replaced with the code for your particular language.
See the Installing a new translation section if you are importing translations.

Maintaining a translation

If you do not want to make a complete translation or significant changes, you can modify a translation in a different way – without exporting/modifying/importing XML files. Every table that has a translation (the ones that are exported into XML files) also has a tab called Translation in its window. Here, translations can be edited for each row of the table.
For example, if you simply want to change the Spanish translation for AccountType element, this change can be made by going to the Application Dictionary > Setup > Element > Translation tab.

Installing a new translation

Important The section that follows is the only way to install a translation for Openbravo ERP 2.40 an prior versions, or Openbravo ERP 2.50 if the translation module hasn't been already built (as described in this instructions). If the translation module exists, just go to General Setup > Application > Module Management > Add Modules, and install the translation module. After building the system, translation will be correctly translated.
To install a new translation in Openbravo ERP follow these steps:
  • Click the Openbravo - Profile Button at the top menu, choose the role System Administrator and click the OK Button.
TranslatingOpenbravoInstallingaNewTranslation 1.png
  • Go to the General Setup > Application > Language menu option and search for the language that you want to import, e.g. Ger for Germany
TranslatingOpenbravoInstallingaNewTranslation 2.png
  • Mark the System Language check box then Save the record (it has a disk as an image). Do not check the Base Language check box.
TranslatingOpenbravoInstallingaNewTranslation 3.png
  • Click on the Verify Languages button to create the records for the language (if you already performed this action, result of the process should be 0, otherwise, the amount of new records created will be shown).
TranslatingOpenbravoInstallingaNewTranslation 4.png
  • An easy way to confirm that the process run correctly, is to check that new lines have been created in the translation tab of the windows. For example:
    • Go to Application Dictionary > Setup > Element.
    • Go to Translation tab.
    • Verify that a new line has been created for the language chosen. The contents of the tab should be in English. The real translation will take place in the following steps. If there is no new line, make sure you have saved the record after checking System language check box, and press Verify language again.
  • Now, create in the Openbravo ERP directory (where you installed Openbravo ERP), a folder named AppsOpenbravo/attachments/lang/de_DE (for German Germany, in any other case, lg_CT corresponding to your language_COUNTRY).
  • Go to General Setup > Application > Import/Export Translations menu. Select the language that you want to import in Language combo box. If you do not see the language that you want to import:
    • Go back to General Setup > Application > Language.
    • Select the language that you want to import, mark System Language check box then Save the record.
    • Click the Verify Languages button to create the records for the language (if you already performed this action, the result of the process should be 0).
  • Click the Import button to start the import of the translation. An easy way to confirm that the process runs correctly is to check that the lines in the translation tab of the windows have been translated. For example:
    • Go to Application Dictionary > Setup > Element.
    • Go to Translation tab.
    • Verify that the record is displayed with the content translated to the choosen language. If results keep displaying in English, press the Import button again.
Once the translation is imported or changes have been made, the modifications do not take effect until Openbravo ERP is recompiled and a new openbravo.war is deployed.
Bulbgraph.png   The recompilation is only required for 2.40 or earlier release
  • It is recommended to stop the web server before starting the compiling process. For example: if using Tomcat as web server in Linux, shut it down by typing the command:
service tomcat stop
  • Once it has stopped, start the Openbravo compilation by process by typing:
ant compile.complete
Important note: if you find this error
...AppsOpenbravo/build.xml:85: The following error occurred
while executing this line: ...AppsOpenbravo/src/build.xml:176:
srcdir "...AppsOpenbravo/build/javasqlc/srcAD/org/openbravo/er
pCommon/reference" does not exist!
try to run:
ant core.lib wad.lib trl.lib
If success, run again:
ant compile.complete
This process compiles and translates every window in the application.
  • Now, create the openbravo.war file and deploy it to Apache Tomcat by typing:
ant war
ant deploy
* Choose
  • Restart the web server by typing:
service tomcat start
Important note: at this point, you should have inside Apache Tomcat webapps folder (C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat5.5\webapps\ or C:\Tomcat5.5\webapps\ in Microsoft Windows and /var/lib/tomcat5.5/webapps/ in Linux):
  • A your_context_name folder (e.g., openbravo).
    • A src-loc/design sub-folder with the english_USA version of Openbravo ERP.
    • A src-loc/lg_CT sub-folder with your language_COUNTRY version of Openbravo ERP (e.g., src-loc/de_DE for Germany, src-loc/es_ES for Spanish of Spain, etc...).
If this is not the case:
service tomcat stop
ant compile.complete
ant war
ant deploy
service tomcat start
Sometimes when you have yet deployed openbravo application to the Apache Tomcat webapps folder, you could continue experiencing problems. Try:
service tomcat stop
delete your_context_name folder (e.g., openbravo) inside Apache Tomcat webapps folder.
service tomcat start
your_context_name folder should be re-created with the src-loc/lg_CT subfolders inside it.

  • Now login into Openbravo ERP and you will be able set your language for your Role. If you want to see all the menus in your language, mark the check-box Set as Default.
TranslatingOpenbravoInstallingaNewTranslation 5.png

ERP 2.50:Openbravo ERP Installation

ERP 2.50:Openbravo ERP Installation


This article describes the installation procedure for Openbravo 2.50.
Bulbgraph.png   Latest Openbravo release is 3.0MP2.
In this release, you can install Openbravo following 4 different approaches:
  1. Community Appliance (recommended): you can download and install a fully configured appliance that runs in your preferred virtualization environment. The appliance includes both Openbravo as well as its underlaying technology stack and allows you to get started with Openbravo in just a few minutes and with only a few clicks.
  2. Ubuntu Installation (recommended): Openbravo is included in the Ubuntu partner repository, so that you can add the software quickly and easily to your Ubuntu server.
  3. Amazon EC2 Instance (recommended): We have an EC2 AMI so you can just start a new instance of this AMI and have OB up and running in a matter of minutes.
  4. Custom installation (experts only): a custom installation gives you full control over your deployment environment and allows you to choose your preferred configuration for the technology stack. However, it requires you to install and configure all components of the technology stack as well as compiling Openbravo from sources.


Openbravo is licensed under the Openbravo Public License Version 1.1:
The contents of this file are subject to the Openbravo Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"), being the Mozilla Public License version 1.1 with a permitted attribution clause; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is (C) Openbravo. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Openbravo SLU. All portions are Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Openbravo SLU. All Rights Reserved.

Community Appliance

You can download and install a fully configured appliance that runs in your preferred virtualization environment. The appliance includes both Openbravo as well as its underlaying technology stack and allows you to get started with Openbravo in just a few minutes and with only a few clicks. Install now Openbravo 3.0MP2 Community Appliance!

Ubuntu Installation

Openbravo is included in the Ubuntu partner repository, so that you can add the software quickly and easily to your Ubuntu server. Install now Openbravo 3.0MP2 on Ubuntu!

Amazon EC2 Image

Openbravo has an EC2 AMI so you can just start a new instance of this AMI and have OB up and running in a matter of minutes. Install now Openbravo 3.0MP2 Amazon EC2 Instance!

Custom Installation

A custom installation gives you full control over your deployment environment and allows you to choose your preferred configuration for the technology stack. However, it requires you to install and configure all components of the technology stack as well as compiling Openbravo from sources. Install now Openbravo 3.0MP2 fully customized!

Using Openbravo

Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 User Manual for extended information about Openbravo usage.
For the Openbravo 3 usage please follow Openbravo 3.0 User Manual.

Login into Openbravo

  1. Open your chosen web browser.
  2. In the address bar, type the context URL. The context URL takes the form:
    For example:

  3. The Login screen appears:

  4. In the Username box, type the default username Openbravo.

  5. In the Password box, type the defalt password openbravo.

  6. Click Login. Openbravo starts.

Login troubleshooting: If the error page HTTP Status 404 - File not found appears instead of the Login page, it means that there is a problem with the context URL. Check that the your_context_name directory has been created inside the Apache Tomcat webapps directory.
Note: the first time you log into Openbravo, the system logs you on using the System Administrator role, so you can only see administration tasks on the Application menu. If you try to access business options (for example Business partners, products and sales and procurement orders) the message AccessTableNoView will display instead. To access business options, you must change your role to an Admin role, such as BigBazaar Adminor Openbravo Admin.
  1. Click the Openbravo link in the upper left hand corner of the window. The User Options window appears.
    From the Role Information menu, select an Admin role (Openbravo Admin or BigBazaar Admin).

  2. To set the Admin role as default, select the Set as default checkbox.


Configuring Openbravo

After Openbravo is properly installed and running, you can customize it to suit your country or region.
Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 Configuration Manual for extended information about Openbravo configuration.

Installing a translation

Openbravo supports different languages. To translate the application into your language, download a translation.

Configuring the default date and time formats

To change the default Openbravo date format launch the setup tool inside the config/setup-tool directory.
Once all the changes are done, recompile and deploy Openbravo:
ant compile.complete.deploy

Configuring the default numbering format

You can modify the way numbers are displayed in reports for example whether , or . is used as the decimal point.
  1. In the directory where Openbravo is installed, navigate to the config folder.
  2. Using a text editor edit the Format.xml file.
  3. Modify the default numbering formats as required.
  4. Save the Format.xml file
  5. Restart the Tomcat service.


Upgrading from previous versions

An upgrade path is available from the 2.40 series to 2.50.

Upgrading to the latest maintenance pack

There are two possible ways of doing it: online and offline, depending if the server has an Internet connection or not.
Note: If you are upgrading from Openbravo 2.50MP2 or earlier, you first need to upgrade to MP3 using the Offline method, to then be able to upgrade to the latest version. Starting from 2.50MP3 updates can be applied cumulatively. For example, this means that you can update from 2.50MP3 to 3.0MP2 in a single step.
Bulbgraph.png   Community Appliance users who want to upgrade their appliance should first increase the system RAM memory to 1024MB at least. Prior it follow these instructions to activate your Openbravo instance.


To update from 2.50 to the latest 2.50 maintenance pack (e.g. 3.0MP2) go to the Module Management Console inside Openbravo, click on Scan for updates and apply the Core update.
Note that this method works starting from 2.50MP6.


If the server doesn't have a Internet connection available and you want to update from 2.50 to the latest 2.50 maintenance pack (e.g. 3.0MP2) download the Core OBX module from Partner Restricted Area and apply it using the Module Management Console inside Openbravo.
Bulbgraph.png   Starting from 2.50MP10 the OBX files are exclusive for Professional Subscribers and they're available in the Partner Restricted Area. The 2.50MP9 version is the last Community OBX, which can be obtained from its release notes page.

Other resources and links

Additional useful tips related to rebuilding the system when installing or upgrading modules or upgrading Openbravo Core could be found here. Some Mac Os articles for you to help with Mac.

Openbravo FAQ

Openbravo's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).


For any question or doubt regarding Openbravo installation, post them in Openbravo Help forum or join #openbravo IRC channel in Freenode.

Openbravo User Manual

Have a look at the Openbravo 2.50 User Manual for extended information about Openbravo usage.

Openbravo Configuration Manual 


Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 8, 2011

Thay đổi logo hệ thống XP

Ðưa logo, hình ảnh vào hộp thoại WINDOWS SYSTEM PROPERTIES

Vào Control Panel, click vào biểu tượng System, bạn sẽ mở ra hộp thoại System Properties cung cấp cho bạn các đặc tính hệ thống của mình.

Ngay trên trang đàu tiên : General, bạn có được các thông số về hệ thống-system (hệ điều hành mà máy bạn đang xài kèm theo version của nó), các chi tiết về đăng ký bản quyền -register (tên, nghề nghiệp,số ID của người sử dụng) và các thông số về con CPU và RAM hiện hữu trong máy bạn.

ở các máy hàng hiệu (như Compaq,Dell,...) có cài sẵn hệ điều hành OEM mà Microsoft bán bản quyền thẳng cho nhà sản xuất máy vi tính, bạn thường thấy xuất hiện trên trang này biểu tượng-logo và tên, địa chỉ bảo hành (hỗ trợ kỹ thuật) của nhà sản xuất đó.Thật ra, ngay trong các bản Windows bán lẻ cho người tiêu dùng đầu cuối cũng có sẵn phần có tiêu đề là "Manufactured and supported by" (Ðược sản xuất và hỗ trợ bởi) này, nhưng mặc định là "trống văn trơn" - hỗng có gì hết.

à há ! Thế thì bạn có muốn đưa logo công ty mình hay ảnh chân dung của mình vào trang General này không ?

Thế nào là sành điệu ? Thì thế mới là dân sành điệu chứ !

1. Bạn dùng một chương trình đồ họa nào đó (Photoshop, Corel, Photopaint,...) để tạo một ảnh có format là BMP với kích thước chính xác 115 pixels (Height) x 182 pixels (Width).

Save hình ảnh này với tên oemlogo.bmp.

2. Dùng trình biên tập text (như NotePad) để đánh nội dung như sau :

Manufacturer=Tên ban hay công ty tùy ý
Model= Ðịa chỉ công ty hay địa chỉ nhà bạn, hay nghề nghiệp của bạn

[Support Information]
Line1= Số điện thoại hỗ trợ kỹ thuật
Line3= Thời gian làm việc
Line4= Thứ 2-6: 8:00-16:00

Các dòng chữ in nghiêng là bạn tùy ý điền vào những gì mình muốn thể hiện trên trang General. Riêng nội dung của phần Support Information sẽ chỉ xuất hiện khi bạn click vào nút Support Information. ở phần này, bạn muốn cho bao nhiêu line cũng được, nhưng nhớ là phải lần lượt theo đúng số thứ tự,từ Line1 trở đi, và các tên Line kèm số thứ tự của chúng phải viết dính liền nhau. Nếu không, mục Support Information sẽ hỗng có chịu xuất hiện đâu.

Save nội dung này thành file oeminfo.ini

3. Copy hai file oemlogo.bmp và oeminfo.ini mới tạo vào thư mục C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ (Nếu sử dụng Windows XP thì bạn phải copy vào thư mục WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\)

Bây giờ, bạn vào Control Panel, mở System Properties ra xem, sẽ thấy "đại tác phẩm" của mình. Quá đã. Quá đã.

Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 8, 2011


Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text

  • Create a new document 1024* 683 px.
  • Apply Gradient Overlay effect to background layer.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Insert Palm Leaf image and duplicate it.
  • Make bottom leaf layer black and white by using Image Adjustments settings.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Apply Overlay Blending Mode effect to the black and white layer.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Make active second colorful leaf layer and create a path like on the screen shot below. Use Pen Tool, Convert Point Tool and Direct selection Tool to correct and move points.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Click Ctrl+Enter to create selection from the path, then Shift + Ctrl + I to inverse selection and add Layer Mask(click small marked icon in the bottom of layer palette).

  • Type the text with Anja Eliane, 220 pt font.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Right click to the type layer and choose Convert to Shape.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Now we can correct letters shape.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Move tip point little bit up to create banana "tail" shape.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • In order to create desired contour you may add new by using Add Anchor Point Tool.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Right click to text layer again and choose Rasterize Layer.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Apply following layer style effects to rasterized layer.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text

  • Create a new layer above banana text. Fill it wit white color.
  • Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Apply following settings.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Then apply Gaussian Blur filter. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Choose Filter > Render > Fibers. Press button Randomize until you will get similar result like on the screen shot.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • You should get something like this:
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text 
  • Make this layer temporary translucent, to see bottom text layer.
  • Make elliptical selection with Elliptical Marquee Tool. Selected area should cover text shape fully.
  • Go to Filter > Distort > Spherize You may find settings on the screen shot below.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Apply Color Burn Blending Mode to created layer and opacity 55%. Then load selection for "Banana" text layer(ctrl + click text layer thumbnail) and add Layer Mask. Superfluous areas of texture layer should become invisible.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • You should have similar texture.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Duplicate "Banana" text layer and place the duplicate above texture layer.
  • Apply Inner Shadow and Pattern layer style effects to created layer. Adjust Fill = 0%.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Select dark blue areas and erase them.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • You may find this pattern in the preset "Grayscale paper" group of patterns.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text

  • Load selection for text layer and create a new layer.
  • Choose Soft Brush Tool, select green color and Opacity around 40%. Create spots just like on the example below.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Apply Color Blending Mode to this layer and Opacity 65%.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Create a new layer and choose darker color(#766d08) and touch top parts of letters.
  • Apply Multiply Blending mode and Opacity 60% to this layer.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Create a new layer again and marked area of each dark tip with small dark color #453b06
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Create one more layer and fill selected text area with white color.
  • Apply Soft Light Blending mode to white layer and move it like on the example below.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Load selection for the original text layer again and keep active white text layer.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Inverse selection and and clear outside white area(marked on the screen shot).
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • You will have similar result:
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text 
  • Apply Inner Shadow effect to created layer, adjust Fill = 50%.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Create a new layer and draw small brown spots on the "banana" letters.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • You may use different small brushes or one brush with following settings:
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Create white text layer again and move it little bit down and left like on the example below.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • First, load selection for original "banana" layer(ctrl+click original text layer thumbnail), then cut out white shape selection(ctrl+alt+click white layer thumbnail). You should get similar selected area, fill it with any color in a new layer. You may delete white shape from previous step.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.

  • Apply Fill=0% and Multiply Blending Mode.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Group "banana" shape layers(all layers except background and temporary layer), duplicate the group.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Open copied group folder and find first "banana" text layer with layer style effects like on the screen shot, make Drop Shadow effect inactive.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Then, Merge duplicated group.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Move created layer below "Banana text" layers and above background. We will use this layer to create reflection.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Apply Gaussian Blur Filter to reflection. Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Apply Opacity 30% to this layer.
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.
  • Load selection for banana text layer one more time, Make folder with "banana text" invisible.
  • Keep selection active and create a new layer above reflection layer.
  • Fill selection with any color(brown on the screen shot).
Banana style text effect. Fantastic globe photo manipulation.. Gold, tevture, wallpaper, vintage style, classic monogram.

  • Go to the Filter > Blur > Motion Blur. Apply following settings.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Adjust Fill = 0% and Gradient Overlay effect.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Make group with banana layers visible.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
  • Erase small right part of created shadow layer next to the last "a" letter with soft Eraser Tool.
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text
And here is result!
Banana 3D text effect, yellow text, fruit text effect in photoshop, free psd file, funny and cute text


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